Frequently asked questions about stair climbers and stair dollies
Everything customers ask us about stair transportation
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What is the difference between Domino and Skipper?
Domino and Skipper are two high-quality crawled stair climbers that use the same components and Plasmoid technology. The main difference is in the types of loads for which they were designed; in the sense that the tracked stair climber Domino Is suitable for all loads with a height of up to 2 meters while Skipper Is suitable for loads that exceed 2 meters such as window frames, armored doors, and glass windows. In addition, Domino is equipped with the load calibration function that, depending on the weight loaded, autonomously chooses a suggested angle of the loading surface to facilitate the operator during transport. Skipper, on the other hand, is equipped with the “automatic” load tilting function; meaning it automatically holds the angle chosen by the operator and adapts to different types of slopes.
Can i load and unload goods from the van directly with your trolleys?
Of course, all our electric stair climbers can conveniently load and unload from any vehicle. Depending on the circumstances, it may or may be or not be necessary to use an aluminum ramp.
Do the tracks damage the stairs?
Absolutely NOT! All the tracks of our electric stair climbers are non-marking and non-staining. They do not damage the stairs or the steps. The tracks that are mounted on our trolleys are exclusive and branded Zonzini, which is synonymous with quality. Read the article about tracked stair climbing trolleys.
What is the difference between tracked stair climbing trolleys and wheeled stair climbing trolleys?
The difference between stair climbing trolleys with tracks and wheels is significant because they operate on completely different principles. Wheeled systems, so-called “step-by-step,” require the operator to maintain the balance of the load on each step; this necessarily implies that the operator must bear part of the weight themselves. In comparison, tracked stair climbing trolleys like Domino and the Skipper electric stair climber allow the operator not to maintain the load’s balance during transport on stairs. The weight of the load is distributed on the stairs thanks to the tracks, and the operator does not exert any physical effort during the ascent and descent of the stairs. Zonzini produces professional “do-it-yourself” stair climbers: thanks to the anti-slip tracks, the dual electric motor, and the integrated digital Plasmoid technology, only one operator is needed to transport loads up to 400 kg. From the van to the floor where the goods are being transported.
Do i need to keep the load balanced?
Managing the load balance on each step is typical of wheeled stair climbing trolleys. It’s an operation that can hide many hidden hazards and dangers. Zonzini has always strived to reduce residual risks during the transportation of goods on stairs, and for this reason, the entire range of Zonzini electric stair climbing trolleys is equipped with special rubber tracks. Using tracks on stairs means no longer having to keep the load balanced, so the comfort for the operator is much higher.
Can i turn on narrow landings?
The electric tracked stair climber Domino, thanks to its two independent tracks, allows for a 360° rotation of the load, making maneuvers in very tight spaces possible. Even with the Skipper model, it’s possible to perform rotations on very narrow landings. There are two different rotation modes available. As for the Buddy Lift electric stair climber, thanks to the integrated load lifting, rotations on even narrower landings are possible.
Can i go through stairs of any kind?
With all our stair climbers, you can traverse stairs of any type and shape, depending on the dimensions, weight, and type of load being transported. Both Domino and Skipper are equipped with anti-track and anti-slip tracks; you can traverse stairs made of marble, wood, glass, parquet, etc. The model Buddy Lift is equipped with an electrically liftable base that allows lifting the load to gain even more space on the stairs and to turn in very narrow landings.
Can i also transport goods on a pallet?
With all our stair climbing trolleys, it’s possible to transport goods positioned on pallets as well. By the way, we also make customized bases to meet the needs of each customer. Discover more about the goods you can transport with Zonzini trolleys.
How long does the battery of the electric stair climbing trolleys last?
The autonomy of our professional electric stair climbing trolleys and the Domino People electric tracked stair climber depends on the weight being transported. Our electric stair climbing trolleys mount special batteries without a memory effect. The batteries, besides not having any liquid leakage, can be recharged safely even without completely draining the charge. Furthermore, the included battery charger is fully automatic, meaning it disconnects by itself as soon as it detects the battery’s charge, so there is no danger of overcharging the batteries. The battery charge is indicated by a bright LED on the control unit. Discover more about the differences between electric stair climbing trolleys.
What's the difference between Domino Automatic and Domino Plasmoid?
Domino with Plasmoid technology is the evolution of Domino Automatic, equipped with state-of-the-art technology created and developed by Zonzini. The Plasmoid technology enables harnessing all the capabilities of the stair climbing trolley and making it even more user-friendly and straightforward to use.
Domino is equipped with a sophisticated load calibration feature, which allows it to identify the most appropriate angle on all types of stairs, thus facilitating transportation for the operator.